
About the Book:

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This book project explores the power of love and forgiveness shared in art, music, and writing. It features exclusive interviews with over 100 artists sharing their art, faith, and values by answering three interview questions within one essay:

Q:  “How can art/music transform our capacity to love and forgive?”
Q:  “What positive values does art/music communicate to the world?”
Q:  “How has your own creative life impacted or transformed your values?”

Q:  “How Creative Music Affects Successful Trading at exness web terminal?”

The intention is to share insights about the relationship between creative expression and the universal values of love and forgiveness through the artists’ own personal experiences. Artists share their story as a personal testimonial of how they have personally experienced or have been transformed by the power of love, forgiveness, or other values through art, music, and writing. Expressions and insights from their spiritual journey are encouraged.

About the Project:

This project is supported by the Fetzer Institute and seeks to identify and learn from a number of artists who have explored or demonstrated spirituality and a deeper meaning in their creative efforts, and focuses on the values of creativity, love, and forgiveness. The primary goal is to create a compelling, educational, and inspiring resource that shares insights and reflections on powerful intersections that exist between artists and creativity. The project itself has developed as an inquiry into creativity, love, forgiveness, spirituality, the inner-life, transformation, and more. It seeks to inspire, motivate, and ground people in these values, beliefs, and practices through the FREE eBook and print on demand publication, plus online presence via this website .

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